4/25 Thursday

Warm Up 

Double DB warm up

3x *reps coach’s choice 

  1. Deadlifts

  2. Lateral jumps over DBs

  3. Squats

  4. Lateral jumps over DBs

  5. Press

  6. Lateral jumps over DBs

  7. Power cleans

  8. Lateral jumps over DBs

  9. Thrusters 

  10. Lateral jumps over DBs


πŸŽ°πŸƒπŸ’° Casino Royale πŸ’°πŸƒπŸŽ°

Buy in:

6 minutes of:

10 DB snatches

100ft OH DB carry

*2 minute rest period


6 minutes of:

8 DB hang squat cleans

100ft DB front rack carry

*2 minute rest period

Cash out:

6 minutes of:

15 DB sumo deadlift

100ft farmers carry


6 minutes of:

6 minutes of:

10 DB snatches

100ft OH DB carry

Ray Traitz
4/24 Wednesday

Warm up 

Combo activation #1

20 (FWD/REV) Overhead banded circles

5 OHS with 5 second pause

20 Hitchhikers

5m Band walks (Lateral & FWD/REV)

10m Dynamic walk

10m walking knee hugs

Partner WOD

Complete the following in a ping pong fashion:

3 SB squats

3x 20 second sprint

3 dips

4 SB squats

4x 20 second sprint

2x 5 dips

5 SB squats

5x 20 second sprint

2x 7 dips

6 SB squats

6x 20 second sprint

2x 6 dips

7 SB squats

7x 20 second sprint

2x 9 dips

Ray Traitz
4/23 Tuesday


Dumbbell complex warm up #3


  1. Single leg deadlifts

  2. Alt press + windmill

  3. Reverse lunge + rotation

  4. TGU (3 on each side)


5 rounds of

50 DU or 100 single unders (jump rope)

12 devils press + renegade rows

Ray Traitz
4/22 Monday

Warm Up 

SB warm up #6


  1. Walking Sampson + WGS

  2. SB RLD

  3. Toy soldiers 

  4. SB bent over rows

  5. Crab toe touches

  6. SB squats


12 minute AMRAP

9 SB deadlifts

6 SB cleans

3 SB shoulder to overhead 

Ray Traitz
The Power of Protein

Low-Fat Protein Sources and Coach Ray Traitz's Insight

As we age, maintaining adequate protein intake becomes increasingly crucial for supporting muscle mass, strength, and overall health. Protein serves as the building blocks for tissues, enzymes, hormones, and immune cells, playing a pivotal role in preserving vitality and promoting longevity.

Why Protein Matters as We Age

As we age, our bodies undergo physiological changes that can lead to muscle loss, decreased metabolism, and reduced nutrient absorption. These age-related changes underscore the importance of prioritizing protein intake to support muscle maintenance, bone health, and metabolic function. Adequate protein intake has been linked to improved physical function, greater resistance to illness, and enhanced quality of life in older adults.

Coach Ray Traitz's Journey: Optimizing Protein Intake for Longevity

Coach Ray Traitz's journey is a testament to the transformative power of prioritizing protein intake for longevity. Drawing upon his expertise in health and fitness, Coach Traitz has embarked on a journey of self-experimentation to increase his protein intake and optimize his overall well-being. Through meticulous experimentation and dedication, he has unlocked insights into the role of protein in supporting muscle health, metabolic function, and longevity.

Low-Fat Protein Sources: A Nutrient-Packed Selection

Low-fat protein sources offer a nutrient-dense way to meet your protein needs while minimizing saturated fat and calorie intake. Here's a breakdown of the calorie and protein content per 100 grams for some popular low-fat protein sources:

  1. Fat-Free Cottage Cheese:

    • Calories: 72

    • Protein: 13 grams

  2. Fat-Free Greek Yogurt:

    • Calories: 59

    • Protein: 10 grams

  3. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast:

    • Calories: 165

    • Protein: 31 grams

  4. Turkey Breast:

    • Calories: 135

    • Protein: 29 grams

  5. Lean Ground Turkey:

    • Calories: 180

    • Protein: 20 grams

  6. Lean Ground Beef (90% lean):

    • Calories: 217

    • Protein: 22 grams

  7. Tuna (canned in water):

    • Calories: 116

    • Protein: 26 grams

  8. Shrimp:

    • Calories: 99

    • Protein: 24 grams

  9. Egg Whites:

    • Calories: 52

    • Protein: 11 grams

  10. Protein Powder (whey or plant-based):

    • Calories and protein content may vary depending on the brand and type. Refer to the product label for specific nutritional information.

Incorporating these low-fat protein sources into your diet can help you meet your protein needs while supporting overall health and longevity.

Closing Thoughts: Elevate Your Health with Coach Ray Traitz

Coach Ray Traitz's expertise and dedication to optimizing health and fitness make him a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their well-being and longevity. Through his own self-experimentation and commitment to lifelong learning, Coach Traitz offers personalized guidance and support to clients looking to optimize their protein intake and achieve their health goals.

For expert advice on nutrition, fitness, and longevity, consider hiring Coach Ray Traitz as your trusted health and fitness expert. With his guidance and support, you can embark on a journey toward improved health, vitality, and longevity.

Contact Coach Ray Traitz TODAY: amrapfitness@hotmail.com

Ray Traitz