Dae Han

Three rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters with a 45 pound barbell

15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents

95/w 135/m  pound Thruster, 12 reps

U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Dae Han Park, 36, of Watertown, Connecticut, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, died on March 12, 2011 in Wardak province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. 

He is survived by his wife, Mi Kyong, daughters Niya and Sadie, parents Joseph and Bonnie, and siblings Katie and Saejin.

Ray Traitz
5/3 Friday

Warm Up 

SB warm up #6


  1. Walking Sampson + WGS

  2. SB RLD

  3. Toy soldiers 

  4. SB bent over rows

  5. Crab toe touches

  6. SB squats


πŸŽ°πŸƒπŸ’° Casino Royale πŸ’°πŸƒπŸŽ°

Buy in:

6 minutes of:

SB ground to OH

*2 minute rest period


6 minutes of:

SB shoulder to OH

*2 minute rest period

Cash out:

6 minutes of:

SB cleans

*2 minute rest period


6 minutes of:

SB deadlifts

Ray Traitz
5/2 Thursday

Warm Up 

Combo Activation #11


30 seconds Sampson stretch + rotation


World greatest stretch

Bootstrap squats

Lateral band walks

Band pull aparts

Walking pigeon 

5 squat thrusts

Partner WOD

25 minute TAG

4 reps 4 mountain climber squat jump

8 pull ups

8 TTB/ v-ups

20 second sprint

8 dips

Ray Traitz
5/1 Wednesday

Warm up 

KB warm up #5


  1. Russian swings 10 reps

  2. Walking Sampson

  3. Single leg deadlift

  4. Windmill L/R 3 reps

  5. Toy soldiers 

  6. Lateral lunge + OH press

  7. H2H swings 10 reps

  8. Walking knee hugs


5 rounds of:

2 minute run

22 lunge + rotation

22 KBS

Ray Traitz